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Senate Candidates (Regular)

Jon Ossoff’s views on abortion are extreme.  Most Georgians, whether pro-life or pro-choice, believe there should be reasonable restrictions on abortion to protect the health and safety of women and their unborn children, but Jon Ossoff doesn’t think there should be any limits at all.

Ossoff was endorsed by a radical pro-abortion group which supports abortion on demand up to the moment of birth paid for by taxpayers. Ossoff was also endorsed by NARAL, an organization so extreme it supports partial-birth abortion, abortions for young girls without parental consent and denying babies who survive abortions life-saving medical care.

David Perdue

Current pro-life Republican senator
  • Senator Perdue voted to stop sending our tax dollars to abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood

  • Senator Perdue supported over 200 judges who support the Constitution and interpret the law instead of writing the law from the bench

  • Senator Perdue voted to ban late-term abortions when science shows unborn children can feel pain

  • Senator Perdue voted for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would criminalize infanticide and ensure equal medical care for babies born alive after abortions

Jon Ossoff

Democratic pro-abortion extremist
  • Ossoff pledged to vote to ensure tax dollars continue to be sent to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business

  • Ossoff pledged to only support judicial nominees who support abortion and will defend Roe v. Wade

  • Ossoff called a compassionate bill that would ban abortion when a heartbeat is detected ``extreme And unconstitutional``

  • Ossoff’s endorsers make clear he will support abortion on demand, up to the moment of birth, even at 9 months, all at taxpayer expense

Senate Candidates (Special Election)

Raphael Warnock’s views on abortion are extreme.  Most Georgians, whether pro-life or pro-choice, believe there should be reasonable restrictions on abortion to protect the health and safety of women and their unborn children, but Raphael Warnock doesn’t think there should be any limits at all.

On his campaign website, Warnock proudly announced that he has been endorsed by been endorsed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion business in the nation that supports abortion on demand up to the moment of birth paid for by taxpayers.

Kelly Loeffler

Current pro-life Republican senator
  • Senator Loeffler voted to stop sending our tax dollars to abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood

  • Senator Loeffler voted to confirm Justice Amy Coney Barrett and other judges who respect the Constitutional right to life

  • Senator Loeffler voted to ban late-term abortions when science shows unborn children can feel pain

  • Senator Loeffler voted for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act which would criminalize infanticide and ensure equal medical care for babies born alive after abortions

Raphael Warnock

Democratic pro-abortion extremist
  • Warnock pledged to oppose bills that defund abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood of taxpayer dollars

  • Warnock pledged to only support judicial nominees who support abortion and will defend Roe v. Wade

  • Atlantic Magazine reported Warnock “opposes all abortion restrictions`` (including late-term abortions when unborn children can feel pain)

  • Said: abortion 'is consistent with' Christianity and 'I will fight' to keep it legal

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