Elizabeth Warren argued on the Senate floor in support of third trimester abortions. She also voted “no” on S. 2311, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, in January 2018.1 Warren has been vocal about her stance on abortion restrictions, saying that they are a “class…and race attack on women.”2 Warren has also promised to codify Roe v. Wade, making it a permanent part of federal law and to pass “The Women’s Health Protection Act,”3 which, far from protecting women’s health, would limit laws regulating abortion in the states.
Where does
Stand on Abortion?
Refuses to Support Any Restrictions on Abortion
Refuses to Protect Born-Alive Abortion Survivors
On February 25, 2019, Elizabeth Warren helped block a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.4 This bill would ensure babies who survive an abortion are given the same medical attention a baby born at the same age would receive.
Will Force Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions
Elizabeth Warren believes all Americans should be forced to fund abortions on-demand with their taxpayer dollars, even for undocumented migrants and incarcerated people. She voted “no” on S.Amdt. 3967 which would prohibit Federal funding to entities that provide or promote abortions.5 She has also promoted repealing the Hyde Amendment because it is “immoral.”6 The Hyde Amendment is a restriction on abortion funding for Medicaid that is estimated to have saved more than 2 million lives from abortion.7
Not only would Elizabeth Warren repeal the Hyde Amendment, she would also repeal its counterpart: the Helms Amendment, which keeps American taxpayer dollars from going to organizations that provide abortions overseas. 8