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Where does

Stand on Abortion?

History of Discrimination Against Pregnant Women

'Kill it'

Bloomberg’s alleged response to a sales executive when she announced her pregnancy to him.1

'what the hell?'

Bloomberg’s alleged response to another employee after she announced her pregnancy.2

Bloomberg and his company have a history of issues with discrimination and harassment, especially towards pregnant women. In 1997, a sales executive at Bloomberg LP sued Mike Bloomberg for allegedly saying “kill it” when she told him about her pregnancy.3 When he learned another employee was pregnant, he allegedly said to her “what the hell did you do a thing like that for?”4

In 2006, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission brought a lawsuit against his company, Bloomberg L.P., for discriminating against women after they became pregnant and took maternity leave. 5 A plaintiff in this case stated: “After I informed Bloomberg L.P. that I had become pregnant in September of 2004, almost immediately I began to suffer demotions, decreases in compensation and retaliation after I complained to human resources.”6

Pro-Abortion Legacy as Mayor

Required all NYC public hospitals to teach OB-GYN residents to commit abortions

“When I was elected mayor, one of the first things we did was make sure that all [public] city hospitals teach OB-GYN residents reproductive care, including how to… perform abortions.”7 Bloomberg began the program with the support of the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League.8 He also notes that this has been “an important part of my foundation’s focus.”9

Abortion-inducing drugs available in NYC schools without parental consent

In 2012, school nurses in New York City high schools were given abortion-inducing drugs (“Plan B”) to distribute to students… and permission to give these drugs to girls without telling their parents.10

'One of the strongest champions of Planned Parenthood'

Mike Bloomberg 2020 campaign page11

'I will defend and fund Planned Parenthood'

Mike Bloomberg speaks in Montgomery, Alabama12

On his campaign page, Mike Bloomberg promises to “fiercely protect” abortion and “on my first day in office” reverse President Trump’s policies protecting life 13.

Mega Donor to the Abortion Industry

'We are enormously grateful to Mayor Bloomberg'

Then-president of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards thanks Bloomberg for his $250,000 matching donation to the abortion giant14

Mike Bloomberg has used his foundations, his wealth, and his position as mayor to support the abortion industry. When the Susan G. Komen foundation decided not to renew funding for Planned Parenthood in February 2012, Bloomberg pledged a $250,000 matching gift to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The organization’s then-president Cecile Richards thanked him for his gift: “This contribution will help ensure that politics don’t interfere with women having access” to abortion 15. Bloomberg Philanthropies made a $50 million commitment to Family Planning 2020, joining the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations Population Fund in supporting the organization 16.

Bloomberg Philanthropies has a long record of supporting abortion under the guise of ‘reproductive care’ or maternal health. It enacted $50 million initiative to bring abortion to women in Nicaragua, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Uganda,17 and partnered with Planned Parenthood Global in 2014 to push abortion in developing countries18

Will Force Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions

Will Force Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions

Mike Bloomberg has promised to undo all of President Trump’s pro-life policies and codify Roe vs. Wade — making abortion the law of the land.19 This includes mandating taxpayer funding of abortions on-demand — both at home and abroad: he has promised to repeal the Hyde and Helms Amendments, which keep tax dollars from being used to fund elective abortions20 He believes the government should use tax dollars to fund fetal tissue research21, he promises to force states to include abortion-on-demand in all their healthcare plans, and he has promised to repeal state regulations intended to protect women from unscrupulous abortionists.22

Enjoys Support from Leading Abortion Lobby Groups