Gretchen Whitmer’s views on abortion are extreme. Most Michiganders, whether pro-life or pro-choice, believe there should be reasonable restrictions on abortion to protect the health and safety of women and their unborn children, but Gretchen Whitmer doesn’t think there should be any limits at all.
Candidates: At a Glance
Gretchen Whitmer
Current pro-abortion governor
Whitmer supports abortion on-demand, up to the moment of birth paid for by taxpayers
Whitmer opposes common sense limitations on late-term abortion, even when a baby is developed enough to feel pain. She even opposes protections for babies born alive after failed abortions.
Whitmer supports forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions.
Whitmer believes abortion should be legal all the way through birth, even as a baby is being delivered, using the illegal and barbaric partial-birth abortion method.
Whitmer wants to remove parental consent requirements so young girls can obtain abortions without their parents’ knowledge.
Watch Ad: Whitmer's War on Commonsense
Susan B. Anthony List launches $200,000 ad campaign exposing Whitmer’s abortion extremism
Voting Resources
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