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Where does

Stand on Abortion?

Supports Extreme Late-Term Abortions

'I trust women to draw the line' on late-term abortion

– Pete Buttigieg responds after being asked if he supports limits on abortion at any point in pregnancy

During a May, 2019 town hall hosted by Fox News, Pete Buttigieg said the government “has no place in discussing limits on abortions.” When asked if he supported limits on abortion at any point in pregnancy, Buttigieg responded that he trusts women to draw the line.1

Claims answers on abortion 'not knowable in a traditional sense'

– Pete Buttigieg when asked to justify his support for Late-Term Abortion

Pete Buttigieg is no different from the other presidential hopefuls on abortion extremism. Buttigieg retreats into buzzword-laden statements about “choice” when asked to respond to criticism of his support for late-term abortions.2

Supports Abortion Up to the Moment a Baby Draws Her First Breath

Argues parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath”

– Pete Buttigieg explains how late he believes abortion should be allowed

Pete Buttigieg tries to walk the “progressive Christian” line by using the Bible to defend his stance on abortion, which he believes should be permissible up to and even even after birth. Life, he claims, starts at the first breath. 3

Refuses to Protect Born-Alive Abortion Survivors

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Refuses to Protect Born-Alive Abortion Survivors

Even though the majority of Americans (77%) support legislation to ensure that a baby who survives a failed abortion be given the same medical treatment as any other baby born prematurely at the same age (55 percent strongly support), Buttigieg will not give a straight answer4 when asked if he would support such legislation. Only 9 percent of voters oppose the legislation (5 percent strongly oppose).5

Will Force Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions

In 2017, Buttigieg signed a letter proclaiming his full support for Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion business in the nation.6 Buttigieg lists repealing the Hyde Amendment as a goal directly on his campaign website.7 The Hyde Amendment is the measure ensuring Medicaid tax dollars cannot be used to pay for abortions, and that is estimated to have saved more than 2 million lives from abortion since 1976.8 Buttigieg confirmed his support for repealing the Hyde Amendment at an MSNBC town hall on June 3, 2019.9

Wants to Eliminate FDA Oversight of Dangerous Abortion Drugs

Supports making abortion drugs available over the counter 'to expand the availability and accessibility of abortion for all'

– Pete Buttigieg responds to the New York Times’ abortion questionnaire10

The abortion pill can cause significant side effects, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe cramping.11 To minimize harm to woman who take it, a REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy), was put in place by the FDA to “mitigate the risk of serious complications associated with mifepristone for medical termination of early pregnancy.”12 It requires that the abortion pill be dispensed under medical supervision by providers certified by the FDA and that patients be informed of the risks of complications.

Buttigieg opposes these safeguards, calling them unnecessary “regulatory constraints”13

Abortionist Who Kept Bodies of Babies Operated in Buttigieg's City

I 'hope it doesn’t get caught up in politics'

– Pete Buttigieg breaks his silence on the discovery of thousands of fetal remains in South Bend abortionist Ulrich Klopfer’s home

As mayor in South Bend, Buttigieg advocated for the opening of an abortion facility, the Whole Woman’s Health Alliance Clinic, even after it failed to meet the licensing requirements of the Indiana State Department of Health. At the same time, he refused to give the Women’s Care Center, a pregnancy center, a zoning permit to open next door.14

Not until days after abortionist Ulrich Klopfer’s family found the preserved bodies of 2246 aborted babies on his property, did Buttigieg make his first comment on the discovery, referring to it as “the news out of Illinois.”15 Klopfer was active in South Bend while Buttigieg was mayor.16

Buttigieg: Pro-Life Democrats Not Welcome

No room for debate

– Mayor Buttigieg could not identify a single instance where he would limit abortion, or even acknowledge room for debate on the issue within the Democratic Party17

At a January 2020 town hall, a voter asked Pete Buttigieg whether he would support a “big tent” platform that acknowledges pro-life Democrats. His response: “I support the position of my party,”18 a position that, as stated in the 2016 Democratic platform, “unequivocally” supports abortion: “every woman should have access to… abortion—regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured”19