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Senate Candidates: At a Glance

Steve Bullock’s views on abortion are extreme.  Most Montanans, whether pro-life or pro-choice, believe there should be reasonable restrictions on abortion to protect the health and safety of women and their unborn children, but Steve Bullock doesn’t think there should be any limits at all.

As Governor, Bullock has vetoed every piece of legislation passed by the legislature to protect women and unborn babies.

Steve Daines

Current pro-life Republican senator
  • Senator Steve Daines voted to ensure equal medical care for infants born alive during a failed abortion attempt

  • Senator Steve Daines voted to protect unborn babies from late-term abortions after 20 weeks (more than halfway through pregnancy)

  • Senator Steve Daines founded the first Senate Pro-Life Caucus, dedicated to defending the right to life

  • Senator Steve Daines supports judges like Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh who respect the Constitution and interpret the law, not write the law

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On his website, Senator Steve Daines affirmed his pro-life position: “I cannot support an organization that would place a dollar amount on a baby’s body parts. The fight to protect women’s health care, while redirecting funds away from Planned Parenthood, is not over. I will continue working vigorously to defend life and protect the most vulnerable in our society: the unborn.”1


Steve Bullock

Current pro-abortion Montana governor
  • Bullock vetoed a bill to require that babies who survive abortions receive medical care1

  • Bullock vetoed a bill to limit abortion after 20 weeks (more than halfway through pregnancy) -- not once, but two times (2017 and 2019) 2

  • In 2013, Bullock refused to sign a law requiring girls under the age of 18 to obtain parental consent before having an abortion3

  • If elected, Steve Bullock will only support judges who oppose laws that protect unborn children

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  1. SB 354, Vetoed 5/8/19; Gov. Steve Bullock, “Governor’s Veto Text,” Office Of The Governor, 5/8/19
  2. HB 500, Vetoed 5/7/19; Gov. Steve Bullock, “Governor’s Veto Text,” Office Of The Governor, 5/7/19
  3. HB 391, Became Public Law 4/26/13;“Legislative Primer: Abortion,” Montana Legislative Services Division, Accessed 10/22/19

Meet the Presidential Candidates

President Donald J. Trump

Most pro-life president. Ever.
  • Appointed 193 judges including two Supreme Court justices

  • Cut Planned Parenthood’s Tax Funding by up to $60 Million

  • Stopped sending your tax dollars to overseas abortion organizations

  • Reversed an Obama-era rule that prevented states from defunding Planned Parenthood

Learn More

Joe Biden

Pro-abortion Democratic Nominee
  • Flip-flopped on forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions

  • Calls abortion a “constitutional right,” and promises to reverse all of President Trump’s pro-life policies

  • Would only nominate Supreme Court justices who support Roe v. Wade

  • Refused to Condemn China's One-Child Policy

Learn More

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Photo Credits: Joe Biden: Marc Nozell; Steve Bullock: Gage Skidmore